
Hare Krsna

today i woke up at 6.40 am
must wake up at 4 am ,

did poja at 9 am
poja must b first activity of day.
Bhram Mahurat is best time for Remembering Krsna,

chanted in noon
pending 11 rounds, of yesturday ekadasi,
n 18 of today,

listened Chaitanya lila 2 hr.
home work 2 hrs while listening Chaitanya Charitamrut on Mp3,

4-5 hrs on net frm 8 pm - 2 am,
must reduce, n also must start to track how much exactly i m on net

went to slp at 2 am,
also slept in noon 3-4.30 pm, wd.

wake up 6.40 am
to bed 2 am
Total Slp= 2.30+1.30+2 = 6.
Rounds = 18.
Spiritual Reading = Swadhaya =0,
did poja,
shravan 2 hrs.
internet = 3 hrs.

1 comment:

nitesh said...

hey u r cool
keep it up
hari hari