
Hare Krsna

woke up at 7 am, although slp broke without alarm at 4.30 am but than again gone to bed,
didnt even put alarm, not planned , desired , determined to wake up,

than read news paper for 30 mins just like karmi,
Bhakti must b first activity, day must start with Krsna,
must reduce it to 5-10 min, that also after morning sadhana program,
if i can give up its best,
in temple Bhakts r not allowed to read,

did poja at 8.30
started chanting at 10 - till 12 , chanted 16 rounds,
lunch at 1 pm,

2- 8.30 on net.. n photos shoot,
8.30 - 10-30 bhoga preparation n prasadam,
10.30 - 12.15 = 30 min shravan.

total sleep = (4 am - 7 am ) 3+ (12-4am) 4= 7 hrs.
wake up 7 am
to bed 12.15 am
Rounds = 16.
Spiritual Reading = Swadhaya =0,
did poja,
shravan listened Chaitanya lila - 1.30 hr.
internet 5 hrs.
wasting lots of precious time , must reduce it , max 1-2 hr

tomorrows schedule,
Morning Prg,
4 am wake up
4.30 mangal arti,
5-7 am chanting
7-9 listen CC. while doing yoga,

9 -11 Bhoga Preparation, prasadam,

11 - 6

6 - 8 pm
Bhoga Preparation, prasadam,

10 - 4 am slp.

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