
Hare Krishna

put alarm at 4 am n when it ringed i switch it off n slept again,
than Krishna mercy showered, i woke up at 4.45 am,
5.20 arti, chanting finished 16 mala till 9 am,
it took 3 hrs to complete instead of 2,

9-11 am -
30 min CC, 15 min in radha service , 5 min yoga,
net 30 min,

11 - 12.30 pm - .20 yoga
12.30 prasadam,
1- 7 pm 32 mala
7-7.15 net.
7.15- 9.30 pm bhoga preparation n prasadam while listening CC
945-12 = 16 mala,

chanted 64 mala's 100,000 holy name,
today i m master of 100,000

Total sleep = .45 +.30+ 3.30 = 4.45.
wake up= 4.45 am
to bed= 12.30 am
mala jaap = 16+ 32 + 16 . first 16 mala finished at 9 am.
Spiritual Reading = Swadhaya = 0,
did arti , at 5.20 am,
shravan = listened Chaitanya lila - .30 min + 1 hr. = 1.30 hr
internet= .30 +.15 + .15 = 1 hrs.


Hare Krishna

wake up at 6.15 am,
if had alarm than it b not the case, tomorrow i will put alarm,
did poja at 7.15 am, chanted 8 mala, till 9.15am

no yoga, becoz, drank milk
9.15 -11.30 = 1 hr net, n in other things,
this shouldn't b, i must first complete chanting,

11.30 -1 pm chanted remaining 8 mala,
went for prasadam,1-2.30.

listened CC n chanted 3 mala till 7.30 pm,
7.30 - 8.30 pm- 1 hr net.

8.30- 10.30 bhoga preparation n "honoring prasadam"

10.30 - 11.30 net...

Total sleep = 2.15 + 3.30 = 6.
wake up 6.15 am
to bed 12.30 am
mala jaap = 16+3. mala finished at 1 pm.
Spiritual Reading = Swadhaya =0,
did poja, at 7.20 am,
shravan listened Chaitanya lila - 3 hr.
internet 2.30 hrs.


Hare Krishna

after very long time i woke up at 4 am, n did arti n started chanting , 16 rounds completed before 8 am,
5 am - 8 am = chanting. 1 hrs wasted in here there, some home work, 10 mins net.
now onwards i will try to chant in Bhram Mahurat,
arti n chanting is on highest priority, nothing else before that,

did yoga 8.15 - 930 am. 40 mins.. while listening CC.

performed arti, pooja,
lunch prasadam at 12 pm,
1.15 - 2.30= 1.15 hrs noon slp,
although i didnt planned to, but was listening CC on bed in very comfortable situation n than caught by maya,
only touch bed when its time to slp, else dont touch it,
in temple we used to roll up the bed "chati" n only use it when its time to sleep,
but in home its always decorated, ready, for sleep, nap
subtly bed attract u for nap, sleep, so it must b rolled up n keep aside,

2.30 - 5 = net n 30 mins shravan
5-7 did chanting , 8 mala,
7-9.30 prasadam preparation n "honored" it, while listening CC.
10 to bed,

total sleep = 1.15+6.= 7.15
wake up 4 am
to bed 10 pm
mala jaap = 16+8.
Spiritual Reading = Swadhaya =0,
did poja,
shravan listened Chaitanya lila - 1.30 hr.
internet 2 hrs.

this day is passed , quite , OK ,


Hare Krsna

woke up at 7 am, although slp broke without alarm at 4.30 am but than again gone to bed,
didnt even put alarm, not planned , desired , determined to wake up,

than read news paper for 30 mins just like karmi,
Bhakti must b first activity, day must start with Krsna,
must reduce it to 5-10 min, that also after morning sadhana program,
if i can give up its best,
in temple Bhakts r not allowed to read,

did poja at 8.30
started chanting at 10 - till 12 , chanted 16 rounds,
lunch at 1 pm,

2- 8.30 on net.. n photos shoot,
8.30 - 10-30 bhoga preparation n prasadam,
10.30 - 12.15 = 30 min shravan.

total sleep = (4 am - 7 am ) 3+ (12-4am) 4= 7 hrs.
wake up 7 am
to bed 12.15 am
Rounds = 16.
Spiritual Reading = Swadhaya =0,
did poja,
shravan listened Chaitanya lila - 1.30 hr.
internet 5 hrs.
wasting lots of precious time , must reduce it , max 1-2 hr

tomorrows schedule,
Morning Prg,
4 am wake up
4.30 mangal arti,
5-7 am chanting
7-9 listen CC. while doing yoga,

9 -11 Bhoga Preparation, prasadam,

11 - 6

6 - 8 pm
Bhoga Preparation, prasadam,

10 - 4 am slp.


Hare Krsna

today i woke up at 6.40 am
must wake up at 4 am ,

did poja at 9 am
poja must b first activity of day.
Bhram Mahurat is best time for Remembering Krsna,

chanted in noon
pending 11 rounds, of yesturday ekadasi,
n 18 of today,

listened Chaitanya lila 2 hr.
home work 2 hrs while listening Chaitanya Charitamrut on Mp3,

4-5 hrs on net frm 8 pm - 2 am,
must reduce, n also must start to track how much exactly i m on net

went to slp at 2 am,
also slept in noon 3-4.30 pm, wd.

wake up 6.40 am
to bed 2 am
Total Slp= 2.30+1.30+2 = 6.
Rounds = 18.
Spiritual Reading = Swadhaya =0,
did poja,
shravan 2 hrs.
internet = 3 hrs.


Hare Krishna

all glories to srila prabhupada

Ekadasi Day,

mataji n pitaji is gone to didi home, will return 0n 28,
thus i did poja it took 2 hrs, which usually performed by mom,

n i didnt completed my rounds did only 14, instead of 25, that also at end of day, at 11 pm - 1.15 am than gone to bed

wasted time in TV - for 2 hrs,
watched after long time at least 3-4 months,

when u r alone than u misuse freedom,
no one to check u, more over no fear to lose name , fame becoz no one watch u, wat ever u did,
thus in kali yug its recommended to live together in ashram n do sankirtan,
dont live in solitary place in name of nirjan bhajan, bhakti , dhayan, result will
not b gud,

n net 2-3 hrs on net,
these days wasting lot of time on orkut, facebook,
2-3 -4 hrs,

listened 2-3 hrs Chaitanya Charitamrut, its nectar,
i enjoy more in listening than reading,

i woke up at 5 am listened Gaur lila,
early morning suffering indigestion problem, becoz ate 3 times last day, n also cup of tea,
tea is not allowed to bhakts,
i usually dont drink, rarely once in month / avg, but yesterday i took,
on the plea that it help,
i must start yoga, while listening krsna katha,
not doing any ex, n physical work, since long .

we have to suffer in material world,
so better do tapasya, voluntarily take inconvenience , sufferings in
serving vaishnavs n Krsna,
than no more material sufferings,

no house work today,
its gud that i didnt slept in noon,
i must b disciplined in daily routine, must match temple timings,
which i was not doing since i returned frm temple, 2006
late to slp late to rise, also noon slp, no schedule, big mess ,
also slp 8+ hrs,

i must bring it to max 6 hrs,

total sleep = (4 am - 5 am ) 1+ (1.15am -4am) 3= 4 hrs.
wake up 5 am
to bed 1.15 am
Rounds = 11.
Spiritual Reading = Swadhaya =0,
did poja,
shravan listened Chaitanya lila - 2 hr.
internet 3 hrs.

prasadam 1 n 9 pm